
Sadler's Wells Opera Chorus

1 слушатель за месяц
Oedipus Rex, Act I: Gloria, gloria, gloria! (chorus) Opera-oratorio in two acts · Text by Jean Cocteau after Sophocles · Translated into Latin by Jean Daniélou · English version of the narration by Carl Wildman; 2003 - Remaster
Oedipus Rex, Act I: Caedit nos pestis, Theba peste moritur (chorus) Opera-oratorio in two acts · Text by Jean Cocteau after Sophocles · Translated into Latin by Jean Daniélou · English version of the narration by Carl Wildman; 2003 - Remaster
Oedipus Rex, Act I: Oedipus questions the fountain of truth...Delie, exspectamus (Speaker, chorus) Opera-oratorio in two acts · Text by Jean Cocteau after Sophocles · Translated into Latin by Jean Daniélou · English version of the narration by Carl Wildman; 2003 - Remaster
Oedipus Rex, Act I: Non reperias vetus scelus (Oedipus, chorus) Opera-oratorio in two acts · Text by Jean Cocteau after Sophocles · Translated into Latin by Jean Daniélou · English version of the narration by Carl Wildman; 2003 - Remaster
The Gypsy Baron: Overture Operetta in three acts · Libretto by Ignaz Schnitzer after the novel by Mór Jókai · English version by Geoffrey Dunn; 2003 Digital Remaster
Oedipus Rex, Act I: Liberi, vos liberabo (Oedipus, chorus) Opera-oratorio in two acts · Text by Jean Cocteau after Sophocles · Translated into Latin by Jean Daniélou · English version of the narration by Carl Wildman; 2003 - Remaster
Oedipus Rex, Act II: In monte reppertus est (Shepherd, Messenger, Oedipus, chorus) Opera-oratorio in two acts · Text by Jean Cocteau after Sophocles · Translated into Latin by Jean Daniélou · English version of the narration by Carl Wildman; 2003 - Remaster
Oedipus Rex, Act II: A shepherd, the witness to the crime, appears... Adest omniscius pastor (Speaker, chorus, Messenger) Opera-oratorio in two acts · Text by Jean Cocteau after Sophocles · Translated into Latin by Jean Daniélou · English version of the narration by Carl Wildman; 2003 - Remaster
Oedipus Rex, Act II: Nonne erubescite, reges (Jocasta, chorus, Oedipus) Opera-oratorio in two acts · Text by Jean Cocteau after Sophocles · Translated into Latin by Jean Daniélou · English version of the narration by Carl Wildman; 2003 - Remaster
Oedipus Rex, Act II: Divum Jocastae caput mortuum! (Messenger, chorus) Opera-oratorio in two acts · Text by Jean Cocteau after Sophocles · Translated into Latin by Jean Daniélou · English version of the narration by Carl Wildman; 2003 - Remaster
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